Sunday, November 2, 2008

Overturning Roe v. Wade

How often have you heard, "overturning Roe v. Wade won't really achieve anything for the pro-life cause"? Well, it turns out that 46 states had their laws over-ridden by that 1973 Supreme Court decision. If Roe is overturned, those state laws could/would be active again. The immediate effect would be to lower the number of abortions because abortion was already restricted in many states before Roe.

1 comment:

Kyle Cupp said...

I don't see it happening with either McCain or Obama as president. McCain will most likely face a Democratic Senate determined not to confirm an anti-Roe judge. Obama will seek to strengthen the legality of abortion. McCain will maintain the status quo. In effect, they will both contribute to the pro-choice legal culture.

Had our current Republican president not undermined the rule of law, authorized torture through his Office of Legal Council, falsely claimed certainty about WMDs, mishandled an unnecessary war, and doubled our national debt, he might have been more popular today and his party might not be looking at sure defeat. We might have been able to see Roe’s overturning with this next president. Not anymore.