Sunday, January 20, 2008

Prayer for Christian Unity

e are in the middle of Prayer for Christian Unity Week, which runs Jan. 18-25. At Mass on Saturday, Father talked about the need for Christian unity not only between Catholics and Protestants, but also among Catholics. I think that this post by The Cobbler on The Three Anachronisms blog addresses very eloquently how the Church is enriched by both traditionalists and charismatics, and challenges us not to write off one or the other.

(Clipart courtesy FCIT)


Ed said...

A young Australian Man (Sam Clear) is currently walking around the world asking all Christians to pray for Christian Unity. To have a look at his journey so far (from Brazil to Russia in 12 months), have a look at

Connie's Daughter said...

I like his idea "pray for one" of praying for unity at 4:01. Thanks for posting!